What is the Average Cost of Law School Tuition in Tempe, Arizona?

Are you considering attending law school in Tempe, Arizona? If so, you may be wondering what the average tuition cost is. At Arizona Law, we are dedicated to providing our students with the highest quality legal education at competitive rates for both residents and non-residents. We also offer a generous JD scholarship program and numerous financial aid options. Our JD tuition for non-residents is much lower than the state tuition of most public law schools and is much cheaper than most private schools.

In fact, we were the first law school in the country to significantly reduce enrollment, so you can pursue your legal education without having to worry about a heavy debt burden. Admitted students are considered for awards based on their merits and needs as part of the admission process; a separate application is not necessary. Information about the university's tuition and fee refund policies can be found on our website. You can also visit the University of Arizona's financial aid website for current undergraduate tuition and the estimated cost of attendance.

The amounts are subject to change, subject to approval by the Arizona Board of Regents, which normally publishes enrollment decisions in April. So if you're looking for an affordable option for legal education in Tempe, Arizona, look no further than Arizona Law.

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