What is the Student-to-Faculty Ratio at Law Schools in Tempe, Arizona?

Aspiring lawyers, legal professionals, and those looking to expand their legal knowledge have a variety of options when it comes to law schools in Tempe, Arizona. The American Bar Association (ABA) ranks each program according to its student-to-teacher ratio. In Arizona, the data shown in Male Fac. and Fem.

Face. indicate the percentage of teachers who are male and female, respectively. Arizona State University (ASU) Law offers a range of programs that allow students to customize their education to their professional goals. The Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law is dedicated to creating the next generation of lawyers and industry leaders.

Small class sizes and accessible teaching staff improve classroom discussions and encourage the exchange of diverse perspectives. ASU Law also offers master's degree programs for those who want to deepen their legal knowledge without practicing law. The Allan “Bud Selig” master's degree programs are designed to help students advance their career and are offered both online and in person. The University of Arizona Law School is much more expensive than ASU Law, although it is much smaller and ranks lower.

Choosing the right law school is the first step to building a successful career in the legal industry. Those interested in learning more about ASU Law's admission processes can explore the learning environment through an in-person tour of the Beus Center for Law and Society or through a virtual tour of its state-of-the-art facilities at the Beus Center for Law and Society in downtown Phoenix. ASU Laws offers programs in three unique locations in the United States: Phoenix, Washington, DC. News & World Report has recognized ASU as a model of a new American university for seven consecutive years.

ASU is a comprehensive public research institution that promotes research and the discovery of public value; and it assumes fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and general health of the communities it serves. Through innovation and commitment to accessibility, ASU has attracted pioneering researchers to its faculty, while expanding opportunities for qualified students from all 50 states and more than 158 countries. ASU has rapidly enriched its research company by doubling its funding for research over the past 10 years. By redefining the 21st century university as a knowledge company, ASU has inspired its professors and students to lead discovery, especially in space exploration, health and well-being, sustainability, energy, water and more.

The university's interdisciplinary, solution-focused approach to research, entrepreneurship and economic development focuses on discovery that translates into impact and the merging of intellectual disciplines to solve complex problems. ASU's faculty is at the national forefront of advancing research and discovery with more than 4,800 teachers inspiring new ways of thinking, innovating and solving social, cultural and economic problems in our region and in the international community.

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